As the new decade started, it appeared as if many of the Instagrammers declared, “New Year, New Me”. At least the posts that I scrolled through did, and it caused me to want to join the bandwagon.
But I didn’t. I couldn’t because I didn’t know how I could be a “new me” at the stroke of midnight when the Big Blue Marble completed a full orbit around the sun. Could transformation or change come with a new year?
I was skeptical, even as I read the beautifully written reasons under the equally beautiful selfies. I was also secretly very jealous because for me, my personal development has been a journey of a thousand steps and a thousand missteps. How is it possible that everyone (it seemed) found it easy to be their “new me”?
So, I paused. I know the pitfalls of social media, one of which is the stark difference between real life and real life on social media. I am painfully aware that comparison is the thief of joy as proclaimed by Theodore Roosevelt (#26) because for years, it stole my joy in my personal and professional life.
I also know that those little squares of images do not tell the whole story, that those snapshots are the pretty parts of their (and my) life. Look, I stand by the concept of life is beautiful, even if it’s not always fair.
When I gathered myself, I acknowledged two things: one, it is a NEW YEAR; and two, a new year comes with new opportunities, new mindsets, new adventures. The possibilities, as they (whoever they are) say, are endless.
However, I realized that I don’t have to wait for a new year to welcome something new in my life. I can start / stop doing / being something at any. given. moment. That’s what makes life beautiful. That’s what makes life worth living. That’s what makes life confusing.
After I agonized over the completion of my personal “New Year, New…”, I chose several endings. First up: “New Year, New Actions”.
More on that in the next installation.
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