Our Hesby Yearbook is designed and created and produced each year by students in the Leadership Class. They need your photos of events to make the yearbook a success. As you attend events, please upload pictures for them to use in the yearbook.
Yearbook photos – Hesby we need your photos for the yearbook! We can use pictures from any of the school events – Monster Mash, JDRF, Halloween parade, etc., as long as it’s a school event. Here’s how . . . (1) go to: tinyurl.com/hesbyphotos; (2) choose “Photo Post”; (3) Select City, State, and school (we’re the only choices so it’s quick).
You can create your own login account, or use your own if you already have one. Or, if you’d like, use the login: hesby@hesby.com with the password: hesby. You’ll see a screen with options to upload photos to an existing folder or add a new folder. Creating a new folder or using an existing folder will help us understand where to put the students in the yearbook. Thank you for helping make the yearbook great.